Introducing Our 100% Campaign
In Our Community
Exciting news if you haven’t already heard: Construction is moving ahead on the site!
Plumbing in progress at the site
But sadly, our estimated costs for the renovation are much higher than our 2019 estimates. As many of you have experienced for yourselves, materials costs have skyrocketed due to the pandemic - in many cases by 100% or more – raising our estimated total cost for renovation from $1.5 million to at least $1.9 million.
With anticipated financing support from the Cornerstone Fund of the United Church of Christ and the unbelievable support of many skilled volunteers working on the site to reduce costs, we feel confident that we can stay on schedule for opening in early 2022, but we will need some immediate help to close our funding gap.
Introducing our 100% Campaign
Because of supply chain issues during the global pandemic, our costs are 100% more.
But we 100% want to make this pay-as-you-can community cafe, organic plant nursery, and gathering space open in 2022.
So we’re asking if you’ll commit to making a tax-deductible $100 donation per month for 5 months, until we open. Will you join us?
And, if you work for a company that matches charitable donations, we hope you’ll apply for a matching donation. We have now earned 501(c) 3 tax-exempt status for The Good Table LLC; all donations are tax-deductible.
Checking out the new roof!
Our plans for creating a pay-what-you-can and pay-it-forward community cafe, gathering space, and organic tree and plant nursery on the Adachi site will have a long-lasting, positive impact on El Sobrante and surrounding communities. So whether you are longing for a beautiful place to have a delicious cappuccino, take a yoga class, attend a workshop, buy organic fruit trees, or listen to or make live music, The Good Table Cafe and Planting Justice Nursery will provide a local venue where we can create a more resilient and vibrant community.