In The Community: A Monumental Occasion

In the Community:

Our "monument" sign faces have been installed and everyone is getting a first big look at our joint logo. While in some ways, this is a small step in the grand scheme of the project, it is a marker that we are finally turning the corner into the homestretch and moving forward more quickly.

The artwork is by Hunter Rook of Rowdy Ferret Design and includes plum branches displayed in a manner that is reminiscent of Japanese family crests. For now, because we are still working on electrical systems, it will not be illuminated at night, but do enjoy it during the day!

After many months of back and forth between various county agencies to get all the appropriate permits, our fire sprinklers are now being installed, another milestone achieved. Sadly, though, because of supply chain issues with commercial electrical panels and extended wait times for utility companies to do their work, we still cannot predict an opening date, although by the end of this year is possible. 

Want to see more of what's happening now? Join us on Saturday, March 30th, the last Saturday of each month, 12-3p for our Community Work + Fun days. Wear sturdy clothing and shoes and help us clean and weed or just stop by for a tour!

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