Called By Our Name

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
— - Isaiah 43:1

As part of our journey toward creating a new model of community and service in El Sobrante, Mira Vista Church United Church of Christ (Congregational) officially and unanimously voted to change our name to: The Good Table United Church of Christ during our Semi-Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 19, 2020.

I’ve been singing the old spiritual “I told Jesus he could change our name” for quite some time, as we developed this project and indeed, now is the time for a new name. Mira Vista Church was founded on Easter Sunday, April 9, 1950 and has a rich history that we will not lose as we move forward even though the congregation moved out of that specific neighborhood of El Cerrito in 2006. And by moving to El Sobrante, the “name has even less meaning”, as longtime member Betty Coates has pointed out.

It is appropriate that we begin the process of our name change during the season of Lent. Changing one’s name is often part of beginning a new chapter of spiritual life. Sarai and Abram become Abraham and Sarah after their journey from the land of Ur. Jacob wrestles with the angel at the jabbok and earns a new name “Israel”. And in the new testament, Saul, who had been a persecutor of the followers of Jesus becomes Paul when he becomes of follower of Jesus himself. Perhaps you too have experienced a name change to mark a new phase of life because of marriage, death, or some other transition.

Our new name firmly places our next chapter of ministry at “the table” or “la mesa,” as we call our shared meal now. This is certainly appropriate for a church that is also a café and it also places the ritual of Holy Communion at the center of our identity too. By naming our table “good”, we are also claiming our new church as a place where all are welcome and all are invited to become a better version of themselves. We also find strength and nourishment “at the table” to do “good” in the world. To take on the mission of Jesus to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide release for the prisoners, and bind up the broken-hearted ones.

Bit by bit, we will claim our new name in all our materials such as this newsletter and online, legally, and during a wonderful celebration of the 70th Anniversary of our congregation on Saturday, April 18, 2020 at Fern Cottage in Kennedy Grove in El Sobrante. Save the date and plan to attend!