Spiritual Touchstone: The Lure of Elegant Solutions

The Lure of Elegant Solutions
By Rev. Dr. Melinda V. McLain

In science - especially in mathematics – an elegant solution is “a solution to a question or a problem that achieves the maximally satisfactory effect with minimal effort, materials, or steps.” While I’m not a mathematician, I admit that I am always looking for elegant solutions to problems.

I’m not sure when or how I got lured into desiring elegant solutions for everything, but I do know that I have often told myself to “work smart, not hard”. Also, I may have unintentionally tattooed the “KISS” principle (keep it simple stupid) on the inside of my eyelids.

But here’s the crazy part. My primary work for many years has been to nurture and/or create diverse human communities designed to serve neighbors in need. And the moment you start working with humans - forget simple solutions, it will always be an exercise in balancing various individual needs with the needs of the group. Plus, the complexity grows if the group also wants to serve and be accountable to the wider community - especially marginalized communities. 

As complex and difficult as it can be to work in human community, I have sadly discovered that managing a construction project in California (and perhaps other places too) isn’t just inelegant, it’s downright ugly. The process has been byzantine, bureaucratic, and wicked expensive. And we’ve lost time (and money) due to the pandemic, conflicting requirements by government agencies, a massive burglary in June 2021, and a stretched way too thin management team that is deeply committed to maximizing every dollar spent.

Our vision for creating a pay-what-you-can and pay-it-forward community cafe, organic tree and plant nursery, and gathering space for community arts and education is multi-faceted, but elegant in its design. We just want to provide a place where community can gather freely and get a good cup of coffee too. This simple vision is also desperately needed in the little town of El Sobrante that currently has none of the above. Even though the process hasn’t been pretty, we will someday get The Good Table open and it will be an elegant solution for creating a more resilient and just community.

When working in human community, I have found that loving kindness is the elegant solution to just about any problem that arises. It isn’t always easy for everyone to commit to this solution, but when they/we/I do, it works every time. While choosing loving kindness is always the solution to most human problems, the individual path varies over time. Some folks get there via spiritual practice and others through education and ethical commitment. I think the most elegant path is through gratitude. Take time to be grateful and soon the loving kindness will flow. 

Thank you for your support and patience as we continue to create The Good Table Café and Planting Justice Nursery in El Sobrante. And if you have any elegant suggestions to help us, be in touch, or stop by any last Saturday of the month from 12-3 for our Community Work + Fun day.

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