Posts tagged Site Updates
Finding Our Way into Fall

In order to give our Marketing Manager Kelly Knight some maternity leave, we did a double-issue of The Good Table News for Sept/Oct. Check it out!

We do have a few tasty tidbits to share as we find our way into the Fall.

Our Project Manager Colleen Rodger has now submitted a full packet to Contra Costa Environmental Health including nearly 200 pages of spec sheets and 30 pages of architectural drawings. And now we wait . . . But while we wait, our contractor, Robert Malone of Baywood Building and Design is applying for a temporary power pole and getting ready to begin construction once we have our permit.

We continue to have small, socially-distant, masked workdays on the last Saturday of each month to do demo, gardening, and cleanup for construction. This past Saturday Andrew Chahrour and Gavin Raders from Planting Justice finally took down a dead tree at the Valley View end of the building. These varietals are supposedly a slow-growing hardwood used in Japan for temple poles. Two of the three trees in the group will hopefully perk up with regular water and care. The one removed last Saturday has a remarkably straight trunk that we hope to use in a garden shrine to honor the Adachi family, the original developers of this property. A bit of the history of the site is included in our GoFundMe video for the project. Take a look and lend us a hand by raising funds for the project as you are able.